A L E V E L P H Y S I C S & M A T H S
A N E X P E R I E N C E D , W E L L Q U A L I F I E D & D E D I C A T E D T U T O R
Hi, I’m Kiran! I’ve been tutoring full-time since I graduated from UCL in 2016 with an MSci in Physics. During this time I’ve given thousands of hours of one-to-one A-level Physics, Maths and Further Maths tuition.
Physics & Maths Lessons
What I Offer
Fully prepared lessons
As a full-time tutor, I am committed to creating the best lesson plans and compiling the best exam questions for my students. The most important step to succeeding in Physics and Maths is to have good, regular question practice. I provide thousands of specification-appropriate exam questions for my students to work through in and out of the sessions. I also offer comprehensive specification-appropriate theory, providing a solid foundation of knowledge to build upon.
Effective learning habits
Learning is an acquired skill. I encourage students to adopt active forms of learning, including question practice and recall, whilst discouraging passive forms of learning, such as extensive note-taking and re-reading of textbooks. Students can improve the durability and versatility of their knowledge by spacing and interleaving their question practice. These techniques increase the amount of cognitive effort exerted. Whilst they may feel less productive at the time, learning is scientifically proven to be more effective in the long run.
Confidence building
On top of doing extensive exam question practice to build confidence, I remind students that intellectual ability is not wholly fixed. It lies, to a good degree, in our own hands. With greater cognitive effort we physically change the brain and its neural pathways. The mistakes we make are badges of effort, which offer useful corrective information and an invitation to double down on our efforts and try new approaches. When attempting questions I encourage experimentation, followed by reflection on the outcomes – a highly effective way of learning that some students may find daunting to do independently.
Ensured learning
I explain content through a variety of approaches, test my student’s understanding with question practice and revisit concepts/questions that they find difficult.
Adaptable lessons
This is perhaps one of the most important aspects of one-to-one tutoring. The pace, structure and difficulty of lessons is tailored to the student’s ability and personality.
Regular feedback
With frequent corrective feedback, students are continuously guided in the right direction. It can often be hard to judge our own levels of ability. I provide weekly feedback on what I believe my students can do to improve.
Online Lessons
For the convenience of tuition within your home, I offer online lessons over zoom. I use an online interactive whiteboard that students can edit if they own a tablet with a stylus. If they don’t own all of these tools, it’s not a problem! Our lessons will run smoothly with a pen, paper and a device for zoom.
In-person Lessons
I also offer lessons from my location at Harrow on the Hill. I am a 10-minute walk from Harrow on the Hill station, or if you are driving, there is free parking on site.
The map shows an approximate location. I will share my exact location once we commence!
A-level Physics
A-level Maths
A-level Further Maths